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Current Equipment:
Nikon Full Frame 24MP
Nikon Crop Sensor 24MP
Nikon Crop Sensor 14MP
80-400mm vr
80-400mm vrii
(We believe if you have Nikon camera bodies, you should use Nikon (Nikkor) glass. All our lenses are manufactured by Nikon)
Archived from 2015:
Our camera bag includes both FX and DX versions of Nikon Camera Equipment.
I have been on the fence for a few years on which to own FX or DX. Right after the Nikon D7100 was introduced I did some research and chose the D7100. I have wondered ever since if I should have went with an FX. The image quality of the D7100 is amazing; however, the camera is still a crop sensor which is about one-half the size of the FX sensors.
I have now moved forward with a Nikon D610, and after using it for a bit of time I have come to the realization of these two cameras are the perfect complements to each other.
Common factors
24 MP
Superior Image Quality
Crop for extended reach
Great ISO Ranges
Built in Focus Motors
First off for me is usage. What do I mostly do with my photography? Wildlife, birding, and scenics are most prevalent for me. Secondly, what lens ranges are use? My favorite lens for wildlife and birding is the Nikkor 80-400 f4.5-5.6 VR. When paired with the Nikon D7100 is great with the extended reach, and sharpness. I then shift to the opposite end of the range, as I absolutely love wide angle landscapes, and longer time exposure to make water look like cotton candy.
Although the D800 or D800E (or the D810) would have also been a great selection for the landscapes; the 36 MP is just too high for me at this point. The largest images I have printed are usually 24" x 36" for framing. The Nikon D610 and D7100 both exceed the expectation for my needs.
D610 Advantage
FX Sensor Size (better for landscapes)
D7100 Advantage
DX Sensor size with added reach because of the 1.3x added crop (better for wildlife and birding)
My brief conclusion: I'm glad I have both cameras. They are similar in size, the button layouts are very similar, and if like me you do wide angle and telephoto you can just leave your favorite lenses on the bodies, and go take a bunch of imagery. I have been having a ball with this combination. If you are having the task of determining which to own, I would recommend get either, and later get the other.
I also have a Nikon D3100 which i have used for some of my time exposures. I have made enlargements up to 20" x 30" with great detail. This little DX camera is a great back up now that i have my pair of mid range Nikons.
Update info. I have now been using the D610 for about two months, and the camera is amazing. I am glad I went ahead with the purchase. I go out to take images just because I can.